
Jim Cattanach is a Tennessee artist working primarily in watercolor.

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I started drawing in grade school and have been drawing (off and on) ever since.  This interest in visual communication eventually led to a career in advertising.  Graduating from Michigan State University with a BA and MA in Advertising, I actually started out as a writer but eventually transitioned into client management.
After many years of working with artists, photographers and art directors, I decided to further develop my longtime art interest.  (They seemed to be having the most fun!) So in the mid 90ā€™s, I began painting in watercolor taking occasional classes.  After a couple of years, life got in the way and I packed my paints and brushes away.  Twenty years later, the kit came out of storage when I retired.  Been painting ever since.
Iā€™m a member of the Southern Watercolor Society, Tennessee Watercolor Society and the Murfreesboro Art League.